Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm expecting candy!!!!

"I'm expecting candy!"
The words of a 5 year old trick or treater as he is pounding on the door. And to make things even better, as I open the door, the little brat has the nerve to walk inside the house as if he owns the place and tries to reach in for his own candy.....I was thinking to myself you better be coming in to wash the dishes or vacuum the place! So I thought to myself, okay, the parents have to lay down the smackdown right now! I was waiting for it...but to my shock, the parents are in the background telling the other kids and the brat to hurry up and get the candy! Well kid, here's what would have transpired if there wasn't any legality issues:

Call me terrible, but that's what was running through my head at that moment. I guess this is why I am not on track on becoming an elementary school teacher.

Anyways, I've been such a bum this past weekend. I did get to go out and play some racquetball (the first time that I've done some physical exercise in over a week). I felt very good after I came back from it, I probably looked like this:

But after all of that exercise, I returned to all of the Halloween goodness and pigged myself on all of the candy that was available to me. Happy freakin Halloween indeed.

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