Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I bet you're all wondering....

Why pick Dick Jedi as the name? It all goes back to when I was a missionary in Japan in my last area and it was the name that was bestowed to me by my Japanese students in my English class! I called my companion Padowan and my favorite English student Mushroom...(she also gave herself that name...) I'm also thinking of the many other funny English names that I gave to other english students like Bubba, Mr. Potato Head, Scorpion, Lil Wayne, Seaweed, Bobbie, Billy Bob, Ray Ray, Skittles and there were so many more! I guess I need to go through my mission journal and look them up...If you ever go to Japan to teach English..come up with some kickass names to give to'll remember them easier and Japanese people LOVE it! SO if you were to come up with a name for someone, what would it be...comment it or randomly text me or something...I would love to know...anyways...I could go on forever and a day about this subject because I absolutely think that Japanese people are the funniest people ever...that's why I heart them so much..
It's Cinco de Mayo!Or should i say that it was Cinco de Mayo today...I was pretty stoked to go to work cuz some of my coworkers are Mexican and I was thinking that there was going to be some major celebrating (aka some freakin amazing Mexican food and of course the pinata!) my disappointment, they carried on with their day like it was any normal day....I brought it up and asked them why nothing was being celebrated at work...the guy that brings the medications from the pharmacy is from Mexico (here legally as a citizen might I add) and I asked him about this...he informed me that in Mexico it really isn't celebrated like everyone pictures it to be because the actual independence day is in September! Ya learn something everyday...but nonetheless I was still pretty disappointed.. :(
And speaking of Cinco de Mayo, we (Selena and I) have discussed a lot of things pertaining to the whole Arizona Law ordeal...I can only imagine what that was like today...I bet that there was one hell of a party in Arizona...cuz it seems like a lot of the illegals kind of assembled to do their little rally thing...sure glad that we don't have to deal with that crap over here...I remember hearing about the whole thing in Japan about the similar thing going on in California a couple of years ago...I think that God is keeping me away from those types of things for a reason, cuz I'm pretty pissed about it as it is being over here and only hearing about it...well, I think i've voiced enough opinion on it...I'm not a fast typer and I don't want to spend too much energy getting pissed about it because I would type slow enough to allow it to really sink in reallly deep and think about it too much...
Anyways, I'll keep updating the awesome pics in future blogs...stay tuned folks...


  1. Yay! the rant will now be allowed to continue!

    You make me want to move to Japan now. I just can't get enough of you guys.
