Sunday, December 15, 2013

“Nice Guys Finish Last…”

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about a variety of things relating to our lives. As we were on one of the many topics, one of the euphemisms popped up that I really hate to hear, “That’s why nice guys finish last, Richard”. I loathe this statement because I consider myself part of the “nice guy” criteria. I put other’s feelings in front of myself (most of the time at least, I have my selfish moments from time to time…), I am loyal (even when I shouldn’t be), I take responsibility for things more than I probably should, and I truly care for others. Now I’m not trying to say that I am a great and wonderful perfect person…I just acknowledge some of my characteristics. Anyways…after I talked with my friend, I had some time to think about this expression and how it was relating to things going on in my own life. Up until recently, I had always thought that the nice guy expression was a load of crap because I felt that I was in first place when it came to life, but my recent experiences have really made me sit down to evaluate my feelings on this expression.

I was recently recommended by a couple of my best buds about the show “Chuck”. Anyone that has interacted with me recently (mainly family and close friends) have probably seen me watching marathon runs of the episodes or raving about how good the show is. Now, I know it’s just a TV show and most people actually taking time to read this will think I’m some sort of weirdo, but this show has been a very big help to me recently relating to my dilemma with the “nice guys” issue and my own personal struggles. The show centers around a guy that was lost in life, feeling like he was stuck in a dead-end job and was heading nowhere. Now I don’t want to go through explaining about every plot detail of the show…that’s for you to find out!

Chuck is the epitome of the “nice guy”. When I watch the show, I relate a lot with Chuck because he is always wanting to do what’s best for others, not for himself. I think about Chuck and how this relates to the “nice guys coming last” expression. I love this show because it gives me hope that I don’t need to sacrifice that aspect about myself. I’ve been struggling with whether or not that my personality as a “nice guy” is the cause for the recent events that have been occurring in my life. I realize now more than ever that you should never have to compromise anything about yourself. There may be others that may not appreciate the qualities that make you a great person, but you should never allow them to tear you down.

Which leads me to my next point…just because one’s a “nice guy” doesn’t mean he has to take crap from others when crap’s being dealt. It’s been a learning experience for me and still very much is, but I will speak up when something doesn’t rub me the right way. In the show, Chuck stretches himself as a person by fighting for the people he loves and cares for. I like to think that I do the same as well.

I’m at season 4 right now and I still have the 5th season to get through as well, but I am excited to see how things come out for Chuck.

To wrap this all up together with a nice bow on top. There are those that will take advantage of the kindness of others…but don’t believe for a second that nice guys finish last.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm expecting candy!!!!

"I'm expecting candy!"
The words of a 5 year old trick or treater as he is pounding on the door. And to make things even better, as I open the door, the little brat has the nerve to walk inside the house as if he owns the place and tries to reach in for his own candy.....I was thinking to myself you better be coming in to wash the dishes or vacuum the place! So I thought to myself, okay, the parents have to lay down the smackdown right now! I was waiting for it...but to my shock, the parents are in the background telling the other kids and the brat to hurry up and get the candy! Well kid, here's what would have transpired if there wasn't any legality issues:

Call me terrible, but that's what was running through my head at that moment. I guess this is why I am not on track on becoming an elementary school teacher.

Anyways, I've been such a bum this past weekend. I did get to go out and play some racquetball (the first time that I've done some physical exercise in over a week). I felt very good after I came back from it, I probably looked like this:

But after all of that exercise, I returned to all of the Halloween goodness and pigged myself on all of the candy that was available to me. Happy freakin Halloween indeed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things that make me smile...

If there is one thing in thing in this world that can never fail in making me smile are chubby asian kids! Considering that I myself was a chubby asian kid earlier in life makes me smile even more because of the fact that I probably made others smile as well when they looked at me...
(if that doesn't make you smile, something is wrong with you...just saying...)

Another thing that can put a smile on my face almost instantly..

Babies!! (and i'm not talking about the ugly ones...) I can only hope that our baby will not be labeled under that category or else I won't be smiling too much...haha..jkjk...but Selena always jokes that the baby will be ugly because she thinks that she wasn't cute as a baby...but I assured her that the baby will take my looks as a baby and be the best looking baby ever!

Sweet Mustaches! I know that March Mustache is behind us...but any sweet mustache such as the following will win a smile on my face and definitely deserves to be in a museum someday:
Surely there are so many more...but these guys have their place in heaven for their sweet sweet mustaches...

Surely, I can't forget...

I'm definitely smiling as we speak...
Well, it's getting late...maybe I'll continue on with more things another time...but one last thing that brings a smile to my face..
I definitely love old people's style...I'm going to be just like this guy if I am able to live that long...can't wait for that day...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I bet you're all wondering....

Why pick Dick Jedi as the name? It all goes back to when I was a missionary in Japan in my last area and it was the name that was bestowed to me by my Japanese students in my English class! I called my companion Padowan and my favorite English student Mushroom...(she also gave herself that name...) I'm also thinking of the many other funny English names that I gave to other english students like Bubba, Mr. Potato Head, Scorpion, Lil Wayne, Seaweed, Bobbie, Billy Bob, Ray Ray, Skittles and there were so many more! I guess I need to go through my mission journal and look them up...If you ever go to Japan to teach English..come up with some kickass names to give to'll remember them easier and Japanese people LOVE it! SO if you were to come up with a name for someone, what would it be...comment it or randomly text me or something...I would love to know...anyways...I could go on forever and a day about this subject because I absolutely think that Japanese people are the funniest people ever...that's why I heart them so much..
It's Cinco de Mayo!Or should i say that it was Cinco de Mayo today...I was pretty stoked to go to work cuz some of my coworkers are Mexican and I was thinking that there was going to be some major celebrating (aka some freakin amazing Mexican food and of course the pinata!) my disappointment, they carried on with their day like it was any normal day....I brought it up and asked them why nothing was being celebrated at work...the guy that brings the medications from the pharmacy is from Mexico (here legally as a citizen might I add) and I asked him about this...he informed me that in Mexico it really isn't celebrated like everyone pictures it to be because the actual independence day is in September! Ya learn something everyday...but nonetheless I was still pretty disappointed.. :(
And speaking of Cinco de Mayo, we (Selena and I) have discussed a lot of things pertaining to the whole Arizona Law ordeal...I can only imagine what that was like today...I bet that there was one hell of a party in Arizona...cuz it seems like a lot of the illegals kind of assembled to do their little rally thing...sure glad that we don't have to deal with that crap over here...I remember hearing about the whole thing in Japan about the similar thing going on in California a couple of years ago...I think that God is keeping me away from those types of things for a reason, cuz I'm pretty pissed about it as it is being over here and only hearing about it...well, I think i've voiced enough opinion on it...I'm not a fast typer and I don't want to spend too much energy getting pissed about it because I would type slow enough to allow it to really sink in reallly deep and think about it too much...
Anyways, I'll keep updating the awesome pics in future blogs...stay tuned folks...